Krazy Glue is sticky.
Rubber cement is sticky. It begins with R.
The Things That Are Soft Are:1.paper2.polyester3.silk4.stuffing5.marshmallows6.fur7.animals8.Snow
Elmer's glueearwax remover
daub - to cover or coat with soft, adhesive matter, as plaster or mud
Many things are soft and sticky - a child's semi-chewed toffee is notoriously sticky.
Yes gelatin is sticky
Sticky out
Some sticky substances are very yucky things. Boogers are sticky and they are very nasty things. Molasses is also sticky.
Yes. It describes something that is soft and sticky.
Yes, sticky is an adjective used to describe things that adhere to surfaces. Glue is a type of adhesive substance that makes things sticky, so in that sense, sticky can be considered an analogy for glue.
Krazy Glue is sticky.
Olive oil is sticky.
Sticky Back Plastic is a soft and large colored plastic that is sticky on one side and can be purchased online at Homebase and Wall Paper and Borders homepages. Some stationary stores sell Sticky Back Plastic.
Rubber cement is sticky. It begins with R.