There isn't a texture pack known that is the fallen kingdom texture pack. I guess CaptainSparklez either made his own with help or it's based on another texture pack.
I didn't make Minecraft.
You have to have a mod (modification) to make a cannon. It is not in vanilla minecraft.
how to make a fire works in minecraft 1.5.2
you can't make a pencil in minecraft, but there mite be a mod for it.
There is no rope in vanilla Minecraft.
There is no server address, CaptainSparklez animated it and used a single-player server to help. If someone else did make a fallen kingdom server, it is not the original and they can only imagine what the entire city looks like.
With imagination, and you can search the internet for inspiration.
I didn't make Minecraft.
There are no keys in minecraft!
You have to have a mod (modification) to make a cannon. It is not in vanilla minecraft.
how to make a fire works in minecraft 1.5.2
you can't make a pencil in minecraft, but there mite be a mod for it.
There is no such thing as a suppressor in Minecraft.
There aren't wrenches in Minecraft.
There is no rope in vanilla Minecraft.
You cannot make a hang glider in Minecraft without mods.
How to make a apple in minecraft pe