If u Mean In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
For Garchomp id say ice attack because its
ground/dragon type and dragon Pokemon are weak against ice attacks
(u can buy a ice attack in veilstone)not sure if ice beam or blizzard(have a strong floatzel and teach it that attack or gastrodon i prefer gastrodon cause its the perfect combination of ground/water type,electric type attacks cant hurt it.
Then for roserade fire types(I prefer infernape because there arent very goof fire Pokemon in the game(except growlithe that u can only catch when its swarm)
Spiritomb-have no idea with what u can defeat it maybe try some dragon or ice attack(don't use fight,normal,poison and psychic Pokemon)
Milotic-use electric or grass type Pokemon(i preffer luxray)
Lucario-fire,fight or ground attach (here u can use ur gastrodon and infernape choose which u want to use)id take infernape cause it has strong fire and fight type attacks like close combat and flare blitz
and at least her gastrodon.The best would be grass type attack 400% damage u can check everything on Pokemon marriland.com(id say u to get a budew and train it to roserade or catch a snover and train it to abomasnow a ice/grass type Pokemon weak against fireattacks,really weak against fire attack
so here are the best Pokemon to use made by their attacks and powers(attacks)
Infernape-flamethrower,close combat,mach punch,and flare blitz
Abomasnow-sheer cold,blizzard wood hammer,ingrain
Luxray-discharge,thunder,thunder fang,crunch
Graveler(golem if u can trade with someone)-earthquake,stone edge,double edge
the rest i give to u the Pokemon here are just my opinion
but u can choose how u want
plz don't hate cause i wrote so much :P
u can check all sinnoh Pokemon their attacks and other stuff on this site
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Steel-type and Dragon-type moves are supper effective on dragon-type Pokemon :)
Rock type are good but ground are the beast so go cach a ravaler teach it earthquake and it will really help.
She is in Celestic town. Fight the Galactic Grunt protecting the ruins in Celestic Town and Cynthia's grandmother will appear.