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Kurt Wagner has blue hair and a blue body...

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Q: What super hero has blue hair?
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When does your hero go ss3 in ultimate tenkaichi?

Your hero can only exceed up to super sayain one. But the long hair, is the closest looking hair to super sayain three. Even if you cannot go higher than super sayain one, your hero does get really strong. The strongest in the game to be exact.

Who is the super hero?

idahs super state hero

Why did Hitler's super race have blonde hair and blue eyes and he did not?

The Aryans was not just blonde hair blue eyed people that was just propaganda and the ideal look, Hitler did have blue eyes.

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How do you get hero hair for Littlebigplanet?

You can not "get" hero hair... You have to buy it :(

Is a mom a super hero?

if it is a normal mom, she could be a hero. she cant be a super hero unless she has super powers or things like that.

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Is flash the super hero a bad guy?

He is definetly a super hero

What is the name of the blue hair guy from super smash bros brawl?

Sonic the hedgehog

How do you beat the super hero quest on mcworld?

You have to first retrieve heroic man's wig, then buy hair gel in the uptown mall, then you receive a super computer. Have fun!

Is Stan lee a super hero?

no stan lee is not a super hero he is a director

When does Super Hero Squad air?

Super Hero Squad is no longer airing.