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No stone it has to reach lvl38 or so then it will evolve

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What is the oval stone?

An Oval Stone is a held item that makes certain Pokemon evolve

What does the thunder stone do in Pokemon Black and White?

makes electric type Pokemon evolve

What Pokemon does the dawn stone make evolve?

The dawn stone is an evolutionary stone. It makes a male Kirlia evolve into Gallade and a female Snorunt into Froslass.

What stone makes skorupi evolve Pokemon Pearl?

No stone, it evolves by level (40? I think)

Which stone makes eevee evolve Pokemon Diamond?

Thunder stone =Jolteon Water stone = Vaporeon.Fire stone = Flareon.

Which Pokemon evolve with the hard stone in pearl?

No Pokemon can evolve with a hard stone

What does the dawn stone do in Pokemon pearl?

A peculiar stone that makes a male kirlia and female snorunt evolve

How does gligar evolve on Pokemon pearl?

The way to evolve gligar is to train him/her. I can't remember which stone makes him/her evolv

Does a moon stone evolve any type in Pokemon pearl?

No, only some pokemon such as clefairy, evolve with a moon stone. But other certain pokemon will evolve only with a water stone or other type of stone. So a moon stone does not evolve any type of pokemon, unless that pokemon has the certain conditions to evolve.

What Pokemon dose a dawn stone evolve?

In the Pokemon Games, the Dawn Stone is an evolutionary stone that will help two different Pokemon evolve. When exposed to a Dawn Stone, Snorunt's evolve into Froslass and Kiralia's evolve in Gallade.

What Pokémon's does the oval stone evolves?

A everstone? If your talking about a everstone, it makes Pokemon not evolve