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you cant evolve it with a stone because its a starter...

i dont know why they made it that way sorry

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Q: What stone evolves torchic?
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Which stone does torchic need to evolve?

Torchic does not need a stone to evolve, it evolves at level 16 into Combusken.

Can torchic evolve with a fire stone?

no it evolves at lv 16 and then lv 36

Steven in Pokemon SoulSilver asks you to pick a color stone?

He ask you to pick a hoenn starter. choose green stone for treccko evolves into grovle then sceptile, red stone torchic evolves into combusken then blaziken, blue stone mudkip evolves into marshstomp then swampert. to get one you have a open spot on your party.

What is torchic's evolves?

its combusken

At what level does Torchic evolve in Pokemon Pearl?

Torchic evolves into Combusken at Level 16, then it evolves into Blaziken at Level 36.

In what episode does torchic evolve?

it evolves in episode 358

What does cumbusken evolve into?

Combusken evolves from Torchic and into Blaziken.

What Pokémon can you start of with in Pokémon Sapphire?

you can start with torchic, mudkip, or treeko torchic is fire, and evolves in combuskin, and then blazekin (spelling?) mudkip is water, and evolves into marshtomp, and then swampert treeko is grass, and evolves into grovile and then skeptile

What lvl Torchic will evolve to combusken?

Torchic evolves into Combusken at level 16 and Combusken evolves into Blazekin (awesome pokemon, mine's al level 100) at level 36.

What level does Torchic evolve in Pokemon Emerald?

Torchic evolves into Combusken at Level 16.In Emerald it is at Level 17.

Can torchic fly?

torchic can only fly when torchic evolves to blaziken and if you use brave bird,it is a flying&fire attack.its the most powerful attack of blaziken

What level does torchic evolve in soul silver?

Torchic evolves first at level 16 into Combusken then again at 36 into Blaziken