Eevee doesn't evolve into Umbreon with a stone. Eevee evolves into Umbreon when it is levelled up with high happiness during the night.
Evee can evolve by using a water stone to evolve into vaporeon, using a thunderstone makes it a jolteon, using a fire stone makes it a flareon. Now you can get espeon and umbreon in the game but its completely random. Just have the evee love you and level it up and it will evolve to espeon or umbreon and like i said its random. If you want espeon and umbreon the easiest way is to get them from ruby or sapphire or emerald or even Pokemon colosseum or even Pokemon xd gale of darkness.In Pokémon FireRed, Eevee can evolve at any level because Eevee can evolve into only 1 of 3 Pokémon in Pokémon FireRed. Eevee can evolve into a Vaporeon if you use a Water Stone on it, if you use a Thunderstone on it then it'll evolve into a Jolteon and if you use a Fire Stone on it then it'll evolve into a Flareon.
Her are all eevee's evolutions and how to get them: Jolteon: Use Thunder Stone Vaporeon: Water Stone Flareon: Fire Stone Umbreon: Make happy and evolve during night Espeon: Make happy and evolve during day. If you need any help feel free to message me. :)
You cant make a eevee using stones .... But you can use stones on Every to Make your Eevee Evolve .... Eevee + Thunderstone = Jolteon Eevee + Waterstone = Vaporeon Eevee + Firestone = Flareon Eevee + Happiness + Daytime = Espeon Eevee + Happiness + Night time = Umbreon Eevee + Stone in Enterna Forest = Leafeon Eevee + Stone near Snowpoint City = Glaceon You cant make a eevee using stones .... But you can use stones on Every to Make your Eevee Evolve .... Eevee + Thunderstone = Jolteon Eevee + Waterstone = Vaporeon Eevee + Firestone = Flareon Eevee + Happiness + Daytime = Espeon Eevee + Happiness + Night time = Umbreon Eevee + Stone in Enterna Forest = Leafeon Eevee + Stone near Snowpoint City = Glaceon
NO to get umbreon you make eevee super friendly and then level at night or use moon shard (not on d/p)
Use a moon stone on Eevee.
yes you have to use a dark type stone! Don't listen to him^^^ he surely doesn't know his Pokemon if he thinks you can evolve eevee to umbreon with a stone. You got to train eevee at night only.Then when you are close friends with it, it'll evolve
You don't use a stone at all. Eevee evolves into Umbreon via happiness, followed by a level up AT NIGHT.
Eevee can only evolve into Vaporeon with the use of a Water Stone, Jolteon with the use of a Thunder Stone or Flareon with the use of a Fire Stone in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, it cannot evolve into Espeon or Umbreon because there are no day or night functions in FireRed or LeafGreen.
What do you mean by Eevee evolution? If you mean forms, then if you are friends with it at daytime, it evolves into Espeon, and if you're friends with it at night, then it will evolve into Umbreon. Go to the icy rock on Route 217 to evolve the Eevee into Glaceon, go to the Eterna Forest to evolve Eevee into Leafeon, use a Fire Stone to get Flareon, use the Thunderstone to get Jolteon, use the Water Stone to get Vaporeon.
Evee can evolve by using a water stone to evolve into vaporeon, using a thunderstone makes it a jolteon, using a fire stone makes it a flareon. Now you can get espeon and umbreon in the game but its completely random. Just have the evee love you and level it up and it will evolve to espeon or umbreon and like i said its random. If you want espeon and umbreon the easiest way is to get them from ruby or sapphire or emerald or even Pokemon colosseum or even Pokemon xd gale of darkness.In Pokémon FireRed, Eevee can evolve at any level because Eevee can evolve into only 1 of 3 Pokémon in Pokémon FireRed. Eevee can evolve into a Vaporeon if you use a Water Stone on it, if you use a Thunderstone on it then it'll evolve into a Jolteon and if you use a Fire Stone on it then it'll evolve into a Flareon.
You need to max out eevee's happyness, then level it up in the daytime. If you don't level it up in the daytime, it will evolve into umbreon. Use your happyness checker on you poketec.
eevee has 5 evolves. to get vaporeon use water stone, to get flareon use fire stone, to get jolteon use thunder stone, to get umbreon you have to level up your eevee at night to get espeon you have to level up your eevee at day. the last two only works in generation 2 and up.
Of course you can either use a thunder stone, fire stone, water stone on it to get vaporeon, jolteon and flareon or when its friendly with you it will evolve to espeon in the morning or umbreon at night.
Her are all eevee's evolutions and how to get them: Jolteon: Use Thunder Stone Vaporeon: Water Stone Flareon: Fire Stone Umbreon: Make happy and evolve during night Espeon: Make happy and evolve during day. If you need any help feel free to message me. :)
You cant make a eevee using stones .... But you can use stones on Every to Make your Eevee Evolve .... Eevee + Thunderstone = Jolteon Eevee + Waterstone = Vaporeon Eevee + Firestone = Flareon Eevee + Happiness + Daytime = Espeon Eevee + Happiness + Night time = Umbreon Eevee + Stone in Enterna Forest = Leafeon Eevee + Stone near Snowpoint City = Glaceon You cant make a eevee using stones .... But you can use stones on Every to Make your Eevee Evolve .... Eevee + Thunderstone = Jolteon Eevee + Waterstone = Vaporeon Eevee + Firestone = Flareon Eevee + Happiness + Daytime = Espeon Eevee + Happiness + Night time = Umbreon Eevee + Stone in Enterna Forest = Leafeon Eevee + Stone near Snowpoint City = Glaceon