You should have decent strength, endurance, and wisdom. Mostly high luck and dexterity. Intelligence and charisma don't do anything for rouges.
You have to be level 70,level 10 ninja and rogue and u have to be level 5 scholar. If you have that go on MAP and next to krovesport will be assassin.
Dragon slayer Shaman Mage Rogue Warrior Healer Ninja Rustbucket Enforcer Barber No class
You can't level it up because it's starter equipment. Only Class Armors can be "leveled up."
you need to be level 10+ to start rouge class either talk to robina in the inn or use the travel map to travel to krovseport at level 10 rouge you can be a ninja if your level 35+
I know it's only the level 2 ones ya want detail on, but I'll be nice and tell ya more :-)------------------------------------------If your in need of gp and want a level 1 clue:Mort'ton Bronze Chests, Men/Woman (level-2),Farmer,Mugger, Goblin, Barbarian, Al-Kharid Warrior, Thug, Rock Crab, Icefiend, Minotaur, Cave slime, Rogue, Thief, Fremennik Citizen, H.A.M. Member, H.A.M Guard, Banshee, Afflicted, Ogre coffins, Cockroach Worker.------------------------------------------If your bored and want a level 2 clue:Mort'ton Steel Chests, Mort'ton Black Chests, Guard, Giant ant soldier, Men/Women (level-24), Tribesman, Cockatrice, Catablepon, Cyclops (lvl 56), Pyrefiend, Giant Skeleton, Fremennik Warrior, Jogre, Jungle Horror, Ice Warrior, Paladin, Vampire, Dagannoth, Skeleton, Harpie Bug Swarm, Abyssal Leech, Sea Snake Hatchling, Sea Snake Young, Rock Crab, Cockroach soldier, Horrific Banshee, Rock Lobster.------------------------------------------If your feeling strong and want a level 3 clue:Mort'ton Silver Chests, Cyclops (lvl 76), Jelly, Ankou, Turoth, Elf Warrior (archer), Greater Demon, Cave horror, Terror Dogs, Aberrant Specter, Kurask, Elf Warrior (melee), Suqah, Gargoyle, Nechryael, Hellhound, Abyssal Demon, Green Dragon, Blue Dragon, Red Dragon, Black Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Iron Dragon, Steel Dragon, Mithril Dragon, General Graardor, Waterfiend, Scarabites, Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Mage, Spiritual Ranger, Aviansie, Commander Zilyana.
you can check it at Dragon Fable Wiki>Weapons>Weapons listings by level>Category:Level 16 Daggers
To become a Dragon Rogue, your base class must be a Rogue and you must be a DA. If you meet those conditions the class can be found in Dragesvard, by heading outside.
Half of the moves in dragon fable for classes need an amulet unlike your characters kind mage, warrior, or rogue. in which all moves are usable
Level up to level twenty and suposibly you should have the attack.
Warrior: Wildfire Rogue: Fire Swirl Mage: Ebon Flame
Hmm I would say that you would level in duskwood just coming out and going into stranglethornvale
Hard to say... Level 5 are pretty busy at the minuet with Dragon Quest X, The Professor Layton Games and other things. All I can suggest is....wait and see?
The 'Rogue', already counts as a class and therefore can't have and additional classes. It may only have a Background or Spells / Talents.
Get your level up (better on maximum) and preferably use rogue rank 10. IF you are lv 35, rogue rank 10 ( all enhancements thief) then your evasion will be 26.16. With this massive evasion you can almsot dodge every attack and by that can solo monsters like red dragon etc.
Here are some that are out right now: SoulWeaver DoomKnight DeathKnight Pladin DragonWarrior (+ Rogue, Mage) Necromancer Frost Moglin Armour Guardian Armour Pumpkin Lord Armour Pumpkin Lord Evolved Armour Snugglebear Armour ShadowWarrior (+ Rogue, Mage) Angler Armour Chickencow Armour ChickenCow Evolved Armour Their is also still more armour to come.
Leliana is a rogue in dragon age origins. She is a bard, (type of rogue,) and you can learn from her. She loves embroidery and pets, in orzammar you can buy her a nug. Her personal quest is about getting revenge on her old master, Marjolaine.
Go to The Sandsea. Then talk to Zhoom, click "Become A Ranger!", click "I am ready!"(If you have done the quest "The Hard Way") and then give him 3 Ancient treasures (which you get by doing the quest "The Oasis Inn") and then keep training with Ancient Artifacts.