· kitchen
· knife
Kwansa, Kris Kringle
Zucchini is served with the Thanksgiving meal.
One baby-related word that starts with the letter K is "kick." One of the most wonderful parts of pregnancy is when the mother and other family members can begin to feel the pre-natal baby kick. Another baby-related word that starts with the letter K is "kitten." A kitten is a baby cat.
a key is a landform that starts with a k and a knoll is a landform that starts with K and means a hill.
· kitchen
Kinfolk visiting is a tradition of Thanksgiving. Kids love Thanksgiving because they can eat what ever they like. Kissing all the aunties is not the best part of Thanksgiving for the kids.
in November how may days are business's closed on thanksgiving?
The day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday.
Kuanza- Black people's Christmas
Kwansa, Kris Kringle
Zucchini is served with the Thanksgiving meal.
Thanksgiving words that start with w:wishbone,worship,