That refers to how in the Peloponnesian war that was a riddle an oracle predicted. What began with an apple (the golden apple at the wedding that had inscribed "to the most beautiful" on it that led to the beginning of the Peloponnesian War, ended with a horse (the Trojan Horse that sacked Troy after it was brought inside the Trojan walls with the Greek warriors inside.
I see you want the climax of the world is an apple the climax of the world is an apple is this story shows the story of a man that was fire into his job because he was accused snatching only one apple not a box, not a crate, but only one... This story must be heard from the government official and has a solution for us to have a bountiful and beautiful life............................................>>>THE END C:
The country of Afghanistan starts with the letter A but doesn't end with an A. Many other countries like Albania, Algeria, and Angola all end their names with an A.
Afghanastan Azerbaijan
tennisthistoss+plural of any word that starts with Ttactlesstackinessthalamustamenesstastelesstastinesstatterstearlesstenaciousthanklessthemselvesthermosthesisthesaurustidingstininessthinnessthoughtfulnessthoughtlessthoroughnessthrombosisthustightstigresstightnesstimelesstimelinesstinnitustogethernesstoiletriestonelesstongstoothlesstorturoustortuoustouchinesstraitoroustrashinesstreacheroustreasonoustreelesstremuloustrendinesstrellistremendoustrespasstrickinesstrimmingstritenesstruthfulnesstrichinosistrolleybustrustworthinesstuberculosistuberoustumultuoustunelesstweezerstyrannosaurustyrannous
It starts with light green when it is still immature ,it gets more and more reddish until it starts to rot and turn brown and in the or green again from the mould.. The connotation is neutral.
That would be the horse's rear end (if the horse if facing north, then obviously his rear end is facing south)!
Newton's Apple ended in 1998.
Mexico ends with the letter "o." The country's name follows a pattern where the first letter is "M" and the last letter is "O." This is a common practice in Spanish, as many words in the language end with vowels like "a," "e," "i," "o," or "u."
It starts when it starts !
Acid Horse ended in 1989.
Apple's Way ended on 1975-01-12.
Red Apple Rest ended in 2006.
Develop - Apple magazine - ended in 1997.
Oak Apple Day ended in 1859.
Hot Apple Pie ended in 2008.
Apple Assembly Line ended in 1988.