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Black and White are the games. Best Wishes is the anime series that Ash is in Unova. He doesn't pick a starter, since he already got his starter (Pikachu) from Proffesor Oak. He catches all the starters though.

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Q: What starter Pokemon does ash picks in Pokemon Black and White?
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If you put a Pokemon in daycare and it learns a new move how does the daycare man decide which move to replace?

He/she picks it randomly

Who is the best starter in Pokemon platinum?

There is no best starter. No matter what, 2 gym leaders/ elites can beat them. And they all get types added to them when they evolve. I think piplup is the easiest one to train. But turtwig is the hard one but when it is good, it is really powerful. I like chimchar because he is fast, If you choose chimchar as your starter. That is not bad because your rival picks piplup. When you guys battle, you can use fighting moves attack because prinplup and empoleon are half steel type. If you choose turtwig, your rival will choose chimchar, its not a bad choice either because you can use ground attacks because fighting is bad against ground. I dont want to keep typing about water. My hands are getting tired. Im bored.

Where do you get leftovers in Pokemon Diamond?

A wild Munchlax has about a 55% chance of holding leftovers when you catch it. You can also find a Pokemon such as Aipom, Teddiursa, Meowth, Phanpy, Zigzagoon, Linoon, Pachirisu, Ambipom, or Munchlax that has the Pickup ability. The Pickup ability is an ability that picks up random items. Once you have a Pokemon in your party that has the ability Pickup, run around places and check the Pokemon to see if it has an item attached to it every once in a while.

What does Poochyena evolve into?

Poochyena evolves into Mightyena at about level 18 or so. When Poochyena evolves, its ability, run away (helps you escape wild Pokemon easier), gets forgotten, but Mightyena picks up Intimidate, which lowers the attack of the Pokemon you are facing BEFORE any moves are made. Hope this helped! It evolves into Mightyena, a fast and somewhat powerful Dark-type. it usually has intimidate.

Does Lemmy play with a pick?

Yes he has a few signature personalized picks made by Planet Waves and (more currently) Jim Dunlop. On the latest tour as of this writing (2011) he is using his black Dunlop signatures and purple Dunlop Midi Standards 1.14 MM gauge.

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The probability is: 55/200 or 11/40

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Yes. Pachirisu and Munchlax.

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Is anime innappropriate?

it really depends on the anime. pokemon, yu-gi-oh, and the dragonball saga are good picks