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snakes make a thhhhhhh noise.

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Q: What sounds do snakes make?
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Do snails like noise?

Snakes do not like the noise it annoys them

Do snakes snore?

When snakes look like they are laughing, they may be yawning, stretching and or realigning their jaws. Their jaws have the ability to sort of dislocate from their normal position. This allows them to swallow large prey.

What makes the quietest sound?

The animals that make the quietest sounds are the ones that humans can't hear. These typically include animals like rattle-less snakes.

What sound does the snakes make?

Snakes are reputed to make a hissing sound.

Do anacondas make sounds?

Male Anacondas will make a loud growl after fighting another male to get with a female Anaconda. This is the way these type of snakes mate. They are very vicious and powerful creatures. They fight with each other by slamming their body against one another, and the one who gives up loses.

Do snakes have a whinny?

No. Whinny is the noise that horses make, not snakes.

What make a snake famous?

snakes are the only species of snakes

Can snakes have lisps?

Snakes cannot talk, therefore how can they have a lisp?

Do animals alwyas make sounds?

Animals do make sounds but it's not all of the animals that make sounds.

Are apes scared of snakes?

Yes. They are taught by their mother to leave snakes alone. Apes have different sounds ( vocal calls ) for several different animals that invade their territory.

What sound do rabbits make?

Rabbits make sniffing sounds. The sounds they make aren't loud, but they also make soft squeaking sounds. They make different sounds for different moods.

Do some snakes bark like dogs?

Yes, although it is more of a cough than a bark. There are many types of snake sounds, and some are remarkably loud. The Indian rat snake and the king cobra make loud growling sounds almost like a lion.