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Q: What some adjectives that begins with p that describe a pig?
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Related questions

What are 3 words to describe pigs?

Related adjectives are porcine or pork (meat products). The word pig is used as a noun adjunct, e.g. pig sty, pig ears. To act like a pig would use the adjectives piggish or piggy.

How would you describe a pig with ING words?

playful pudgy pink black white muddy

What are some adjectives to describe a policeman?

strict protective aggressive tough brave strong

How do you say fat pig in Chinese?

Pig in Chinese is 猪. But, there are different words that mean fat and are used as adjectives to describe pig like 胖,肥. In Chinese speech, we would call fat pig either 胖猪 (pang-zhu)or 肥猪 (fei-zhu).

A word that begins with s for a pig?

A word for a pig is swine.

What Words to describe a sea pig in action?

i like pig

What animal is similar to a Wallaby and begins with the letter P?


In a sentence you can have two adjectives in a row?

Yes, you can. Examples: * She had a small, furryguinea-pig as a pet. * After a decent wash, her soft, silkyhair shone.

What does charlotte first write in her web?

Charlotte wrote the words: Some Pig Terrific Radiant Humble

What are some yorkshire pig traits?

A Yorkshire pig has a few traits. Some of the traits are slim, pig and big.

Happy as a pig in mud?

The phrase, "Happy as a pig in mud," is used to describe a person who is extremely happy. It means someone is enjoying themselves.

How do you spell Lena in pig latin?

In Pig Latin, "Lena" would be spelled as "Enlay." Each word begins with the first consonant sound followed by the rest of the word and then "ay."