Six letter words that start with the letters wh:whackowhackswhackywhaleswhammywharfswheelswheezewheezywhencewhinedwhinerwhippywhirlswhiskywhiterwholly
insect is six letters
suites-that;s odd, six letter word, 7 letters tissue (or even tissues with the 7 letters)
Ronald Reagan, but if you're looking for the same answer I am, that's not the one.
the letters are : E
Letters that have a vertical line symmetry: WTYUIOAHXVM Letters that have a horizontal Line symmetry: EIODHKCB
Only the I has a horizontal line of symmetry. Visualize folding PIZZA in half through the letters. Only the I would fold down perfectly on top of itself, so it has a horizontal line of symmetry.
Icebox, decided
No, it does not. If you draw a horizontal line through it ("deed") you won't see the symmetry. But if you make "DEED" by capitalizing the letters, yes it will. Draw a line left to right through the middle of the letters and you have a line of horizontal symmetry.
Both Canada and Mexico have six letters.
An Italian pasta with six letters is rotini.
I, O, l, and H