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B, J, O,U, And Y

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Q: What six letters will not appear in the coded messages?
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Which six letters will not appear in the coded messages?

B, J, O, U, and Y

What is the translation for the dancing men code?

The translation of the six messages: Message 1: AM HERE ABE SLANEY Message 2: AT ELRIGE'S Message 3: COME ELSIE Message 4: NEVER Message 5: ELSIE PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD Message 6: COME HERE AT ONCE Please note the last letter in each word carries a "flag," and punctuation like apostrophes are not coded. Some letters are not included in these limited messages, and many people have completed the alphabet on their own. Also, many versions of the story differ erroneously on some letters in the cypher messages. The link below contains images of all six dancing men cypher messages.

How do you spell aakdsd?

This does not appear to be a word. The six letters are, however, an anagram of "ask dad." The closest common word would seem to be "asked" (inquired).

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Both Canada and Mexico have six letters.

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An Italian pasta with six letters is rotini.

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Six letter words that end with the letters ute:astutediluteimputeminuterefutereputesalute

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Those six letters are "amount."

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Athena was a goddess that had six letters in her name. She was the goddess of wisdom and war.

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Six letter words that start with the letters wh:whackowhackswhackywhaleswhammywharfswheelswheezewheezywhencewhinedwhinerwhippywhirlswhiskywhiterwholly

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