there are many words that are six letters with letter "H" as the fifth one and these are some of them:
alight, apathy, aright, berths, births, blight, blithe, booths, boughs, bought, bright, broths, bunchy, burghs, catchy, caught, cha-cha, chichi, cliché, cloche, clothe, coughs, crèche, deaths, depths, dinghy, doughs, doughy, earths, earthy, epochs, faiths, fifths, filthy, firths, flashy, fleshy, flight, fought, fright, froths, frothy, gauche, gaucho, geisha, girths, graphs, gung ho, heaths, height, honcho, knight, laughs, litchi, loathe, lymphs, marshy, months, morphs, mynahs, myrrhs, naught, neighs, ninths, norths, nought, nymphs, patchy, peachy, plight, plushy, poncho, psyche, psycho, quiche, rajahs, re-echo, rhythm, roughs, scythe, seethe, sixths, slight, sloths, slushy, smiths, smithy, soothe, sooths, soughs, sought, souths, spathe, staphs, swathe, swaths, sylphs, taught, teethe, tenths, thighs, tooths, toothy, Torahs, touchy, toughs, trashy, trophy, troths, truths, weighs, weight, widths, worths, worthy, wraths, wright, writhe
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Six letter words that end with H:AmbushAttachAweighBanishBleachBlotchBluishBoyishBranchBreachBreathBreechBroachBroochBrunchCaliphChurchClinchClutchCrotchCrouchCrunchCrutchDanishDearthDetachDrenchFamishFetishFinishFlinchFourthFrenchGarishGlitchGrinchGrouchGrowthHaunchHealthHearthImpishKiboshKirschKitschLaunchLavishLengthLoofahLowishMenschModishMopishMulishNewishOnrushOwlishPariahParishPaunchPerishPlinthPloughPolishPreachPunishQuenchRadishRavishRelishRewashScorchScotchSearchSeraphSheathSketchSleighSleuthSlouchSnitchSpeechSplashSquashSquishStarchStenchStitchSwatchSwitchSwooshThatchThoughThrashThrushTrenchTroughTwitchVanishWarmthWealthWhooshWraithWreathWrenchZenith
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern --H-OB. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter H and 5th letter O and 6th letter B. In alphabetical order, they are: athrob
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern O--H-N. That is, six letter words with 1st letter O and 4th letter H and 6th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: orphan