It depends on the color of it. If it had spots on it I would name it Spot. If itlooked like a wild wolf i would name it Hunter.
never mind everybody......i have sum names.and im actually goin 2 get the webkinz signature German shephard and the signature timber wolf. timber wolf:Seth/boy German shephard:Leah/girl
well, if you go to your local webkinz store and your know theye get new shipments every once and a wile. if you rill want that timber wolf and are not shy you can ask them if they can order a timber wolf and hold it for you they mite say yes.(you mite want to become a more avid costumer of the store, then they more likely put in the order for you.)Hearts Desire Gifts in Arlington,
Timber wolf!
In my opinion, the Webkinz blue googles is the coolest Webkinz.I think it is the Timber Wolf!
I'm not sure that ganz has yet made a wolf but i do know that they have made a timber wolf.
There is an estore grey wolf and there will be a signature timber wolf in October
Yes !! -
The scientific name for a timber wolf is Canis lupus.
never mind everybody......i have sum names.and im actually goin 2 get the webkinz signature German shephard and the signature timber wolf. timber wolf:Seth/boy German shephard:Leah/girl
Another name for the gray wolf is tha canis lapus or the timber wolf
Timber Wolf's real name is Brin Londo.
The timber wolf is known as lobo wolf, gray wolf,or artic wolf. All the same animal.the timber wolf's scientific name is Canis Lupis AmericanusThe Battletech Timber Wolf (as it is named amongst the Inner Sphere) is referred to a Mad Cat amongst the invading clans.