i named my panda chii. but other good names are ping, yabbie, or sue lin!
dumpling,shing wich means star in mandarin.
You could call a koala webkinz sleepy or snorty.
Name it after its favorite food, Bananas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've seen people name them magic and sparkle
spot or speedy...maybe speed racer :)
tiger and panda bear
The Webkinz red panda came out in June 2010.
dumpling,shing wich means star in mandarin.
I hope not, but I don't think that the Panda Webkinz will be leaving for a while though because there are lots of people that are still buying them!!! And Also The Panda Webkinz was last month's Webkinz of the Month this Month's Webkinz of the month is The Elephant Large Size Only.
It's the panda(webkinz)
theimportstore.com webkinz sig. panda usually cost 46.99 at that store it is 25.99
Yes the same webkinz world
A lot of cheese. If you have cheese then you can get a panda slide in the trading room! Have fun in webkinz with your panda slide. Make sure to buy lota of cheese!!
The Webkinz Red Panda is white with reddish-orange patterns. It looks nothing like a panda. If you want to know what one would like in real, just search red panda :).
I have named mine: Carmen Robin Scarlet Felix Cherry Rouge Rosso Banshee Farley Rosie Rose Flare Ruby