Big team like 10-15... no prayer pots / super restores needed... best food you can afford
Armour with good melee and mage defense. Since you will be praying range anyway you don't need a high range defense bonus (unless you are the "tank").
Sara brews and super restores in the ratio of 2:1, tele tab, mith grapple ring of duelling and trolly tele for the drop invent way
50+ mage def
200+ melee def
An example of good poverty gear would be a granite shield zammy d hide legs, black d hide body, rune boots, black vambs, rune c bow, broad bolts, glory rune full helm
Medium gear... Verac helm, zammy body, verac skirt, rune boots, black vambs, ruby bolt e / diamond bolt e, glory, rune c bow, granite shield
The rich gear... verac helm, armadyl skirt and chestplate, fury, d boots/rangers, barrows gloves, arch ring, rune c bow and ruby bolts e unholy book or if ur really rich sigil shields from corp beast
similar to Bandos
Similar to armadyl but I would recommend you bring a terrorbird and tireless run scrolls so commander zilyana cannot hit you... the strategy is to run from corner to corner while you shoot her in between running
Sorry about the poor grammer :l LOL
Hope this helps and hope you have success in the future
God wars dungeon, north of Yanille, and south of Falador are some good examples.
the god of saradomina
God Wars is a very vast term, in that it has so many different areas. So, really it depends on what you would want to be doing. Generally, just being in the God Wars Dungeon, with the appropriate god Armour, you could potentially be at any level (since you don't get attacked). If you are looking to go after Aviansies, you should be at least level 80 with 65 defense and 70+ range. If you are going for something like say, Graardor (Bandos), Then you could get away with being 80+combat and 60 defense. Just be smart about it any you'll be fine. God Wars is a lot less tense than you would think.
i got to say the gods in the dungin wars or the ppl who owns it Let me make this more clearly the gods or any high lvl monsters in god wars dungeon or go to clan wars in red portal kill someone with a godsword but they might put on protecect 1 extra item :(it dose drop dragon 2h sord:) hard to kill :(
No. An obsidian cape has nothing to do with items that will aggro monsters in god wars dungeon.
Bandos is
Buy it on the Grand Exchange, or earn it in God Wars Dungeon
I have posted a link below in the "Related Links" section that may be useful to you.
The God Wars Dungeon is full of monsters ranging from level 11 - 600+. Its very dangerous but the rewards are good and can earn you up to 100m+
it is really impossible the best way is the god wars dungeon really
no, you just need 300 castle wars tickets to buy one
Its not really a minigame, its a place you go to kill bosses and other monsters not found elsewhere. If you've finished troll stronghold, have 60 strength or agility, you can do God Wars.
Yes I think so.
Obtained as a drop from Commander Zilyana in the Saradomin Encampment of the God Wars Dungeon.
World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Entropia, Shaiya, Realm of the Mad God and Allods.
God wars dungeon, north of Yanille, and south of Falador are some good examples.