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· loafers

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Q: What shoes begin with the letter l?
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What are something you wear that begin with the letter L?

Some things you can wear that start with the letter L are:Lacoste clothingLancome Productslanyardlapel pinlapis lazulileggingsleopard printLevi'slipsticklizard (imitation please)loaferslucky socks

What shoes begin with the letter J?

· Johnson & Murphy shoes

What are the fruits that begin with the letter L?

Lemon, lime and loganberry are fruits. They begin with the letter L.

Shoes that begin with the letter T?

Tap shoes, tall shoes trotters, treva,

What brands of shoes start with the letter L?

a shoe that begins with the letter L is...... LungHads:)

What a person wears starts with letter l?

People wear lipstick, locket, lamb's wool sweater, leggings, leotards, Levi's, lingerie, loafers, Lucky Brand shoes and long johns. They begin with the letter L.

What are some places that begin with the letter L in Asia?

Laos and Lebanon are countries in Asia. They begin with the letter L.

8 letter words that begin with a and end in l?

Abnormal, approval and atypical are 8 letter words. They begin with the letter a and end with the letter l.

What shoes start with the letter l?


What countries are there beginning with the letter l?

The countries that begin with the letter L are:LaosLatviaLebanonLesothoLiberiaLibyaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourg

What are some colthes starting with l?

Lamb's wool sweater, leggings, leotards, Levi's, lingerie, loafers, Lucky Brand shoes and long johns are clothing items. They begin with the letter L.

Shoes that begin with the letter E?

Emerica. Etnie.