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7 letter word for / pertaining to hair is pilsus(pronounced Pi-low-se).

Another 7 letter word pertaining to hair is Epilate (Epi = from Latin, outside) which is to pull out or eradicate hair.

In medical terms the word Pilo, Pil and Pili are used as prefixes when describing hair or a function it and come from the Latin word for hair "Pilus".

e.g. the action of hairs raising on your arm is called Pilorection which is part of the Pilomotor Reflexes (PNS/peripheral nervous system). This happens in response to cold, emotional stress or skin irritation.

Covered with fine soft hair "pilsus", from Latin Pilus (hair).

Dave Loftus, Dublin, Eire

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Q: What seven letter word starting with p relating to hair?
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