The letters spell the word presidents. The word uses all ten letters.
The letters spell the word python. The word uses all six letters.
The letters spell the word leech.
The letters spell the word observed. It uses all of the letters serdobve.
Reciters and hundreds of others.
There are hundreds of animals that end with the letters -er. Hamster and anteater are two animals that end in -er.
There are only 26 letters in the alphabet, but there are hundreds of thousands of different words. There are going to be some humorous overlaps.
There are undoubtedly hundreds. A Rebus uses this technique, but is probably not the one you are thinking of. Show an example next time.
Yes, what is a word with four letters in it. Yes, "what" is a word with four letters in it.
The New Testament.
Five hundreds and ninety
The letters spell the word gravid. The word uses all six letters.
There are total of 4 letters in this word.