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An organ system is made up of cells. Cells are made up of a cell membrane, a nucleus, chloroplast, cytoplasm, tissue, and a vacuole.

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Q: What sentences can be made using the words cell membrane nucleus cell wall chloroplast cytoplasm tissue vacuole organ and organ system?
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What is the cell that has a nucleus?

both plant and animal cells have the nucleus. The plant cell is made of cytoplasm, chloroplast, nucleus, cell membrane and cell wall. The animal cell is made up of the nucleus, cell membrane and cytoplasm.

What are the parts of the cell?

animal cell: cell membrane nucleus cytoplasm organelles vacuole plant cell: cell membrane cell wall nucleus cytoplasm chloroplast organelles vacuole

What are some examples of an organelle?

For a animal cell: nucleus, the ribosomes, Golgi body, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, nuclear membrane, vacuoles, cytoplasm, cell membrane, chromosomes. For a plant cell: nucleus, vacuoles, nuclear membrane, cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplast, chromosome, Endoplasmic Reticulum, chloryphyll, cytoplasm, ribsomes, mitochondria.

What are the 3 main part of cell?

cytoplasm, a cell membrane, and nucleus(DNA and RNA(nucleic acids))

What are the three parts of the cell?

Plant Cell: Cell Wall Cell Membrane Vacuole Nucleus Chloroplast Animal Cell: Cell Membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm Hope this helps and it's correct LOL

What are the six plant cell parts?

The six parts of the plant cell are, the cell wall the cell membrane the vacuole the nucleus the chloroplast and the cytoplasm

Give three example of organelle?

For a animal cell: nucleus, the ribosomes, Golgi body, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, nuclear membrane, vacuoles, cytoplasm, cell membrane, chromosomes. For a plant cell: nucleus, vacuoles, nuclear membrane, cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplast, chromosome, Endoplasmic Reticulum, chloryphyll, cytoplasm, mitochondria, ribsomes.

The region between the cell membrane and nucleus?

The region between the cell membrane and the nucleus is called the CYTOPLASM

What is the region between the cell membrane and the nucleus called?

cytoplasm is located between the cell membrane and the nucleus.

What is the structure between the cytoplasm and the nucleus?

The nuclear membrane separates the cytoplasm and the nucleus.

What are essential components in a cell?

a nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria, vacuole, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplast, Golgi complex/apparatus, and a lysosome.

What is between the nucleus and the cell membrane?
