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Ash is turned into a Pikachu in a Season 5 episode, the Season is titled "Pokémon Master Quest." The episode itself is Episode 243 and the episode is titled "Hocus Pokémon."

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Q: What season does ash turn into a Pikachu?
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Does ash ever turn into a pikachu?

No he does not turn into a pokemon.

Did ash ketchum destroy Pikachu's pokeball?

No, Ash Ketchum didn't destroy Pikachu's Poké Ball. As was seen in some episodes during the Kanto season, Ash keeps all Poké Balls on him including Pikachu's.

Does Pikachu ever get mad at ash?

mabye sometimes when ash does something wrong. ya in season one ash starts looking at other pikachus and pikachu catchs ash with another Pokemon and a safarie ball in his hand and pikachu got really upset.

Why did ash kill Pikachu?

Ash kill Pikachu because Pikachu is useless.

What Pokemon will ash have in season 10?

Pikachu as always but will also have turtwig and apom (season 10 is diamond and pearl)

Do ash like Pikachu?

Yes pikachu is ash's best friend.

What are the Pokemon that Ash catches in the second season?

pikachu, heracross, bayleef, cyndaquil, espeon, phanpy

Why won't Ash's Pikachu evolve?

Back in Indigo Plateau (1st season), Pikachu declined a chance to use a Thunderstone. When Gym Leader Lt. Surge was teasing Ash of being a "baby," Ash's Pikachu attacked Surge's Raichu, but Raichu knocked Pikachu out. Brock suggested that Ash use a Thunderstone that Nurse Joy offered, but Pikachu decided to grow stronger on his own without a Thunderstone, then Ash got the idea of teaching Pikachu Agility. Therefore, Pikachu may never evolve. This makes sense, since there was another Trainer who rivaled Ash in Hoenn and had a Meowth with the same story: it lost to a Persian once and then hated all Persians since then.

Does ash kiss misty on a pikachu movie?

No, Ash and Misty do not kiss in a Pikachu movie.

Why did ash's Pikachu didn't evolve?

Ash's Pikachu will not evolve because Pikachu chose to stay with Ash and gain more experience and in the episode that Ash had battled Lt. Surge Nurse Joy gave Ash a Thunderstone but pikachu don't want to evolve and Brock said that pikachu has more speed than Raichu