A:- Abalone
- Ahi tuna
- Albacore
- Alligator
- Amphibian
- Amphiuma
- Anaconda
- Anchovy
- Anemone
- Angelfish
- Anura
- Arawana
- Arctic char
- Arowana
- Axolotl
B:- Baiji (dolphin)
- Baleen whale
- Balloonfish
- Barb (Freshwater Fish)
- Barnacle (crustacean)
- Barracuda (fish)
- Bass (fish)
- Beaver
- Beluga whale
- Blowfish
- Blue whale
- Bluefish
- Blue spiny lobster
- Blue tipped shark
- Bream
- Boa
- Boto (Amazon dolphin)
- Boutu (dolphin)
- Bubble fish
- Bullfrog
C:- Carp
- Catfish
- Cirriped (crustacean)
- Clam
- Cleaner-wrasse
- Clown anemone fish
- Cod
- Coelacanth
- Conch
- Cooter (freshwater turtle)
- Copepod (freshwater crustacean)
- Coral
- Corydoras (freshwater fish)
- Cottonmouth (water snake)
- Crab
- Crayfish
- Crocodile
- Crown-of-thorns starfish
- Crustacean
- Cuttlefish
- California Sea Otter
D:- Devil fish (giant devil ray)
- Discus (freshwater fish)
- Doctorfish
- Dolphin
- Dorado
- Dore (walleye fish)
- Dungeness crab
E:- Eastern newt
- Eel
- Electric eel
- Eeve (shellfish)
- Eft (immature newt)
- Elephant seal
- Elver (young eel)
- Emperor shrimp
- Esok (freshwater fish)
- Estuarine crocodile
- European fire salamander
F:- Fiddler crab
- Fin whale
- Fire bellied toad
- Fish
- Flatfish
- Flying fish
- Flounder
- Fluke (fish)
- Frog
- Fugu (poisonous fish)
G:- Goldfish
- Gar (freshwater fish)
- Globefish
- Goosefish
- Groper
- Grunion (small fish)
- Guppy (freshwater fish)
H:- Haddock
- Hake
- Halibut
- Halicore (aquatic mammal)
- Hammerhead shark
- Hapuka (fish)
- Harbor porpoise
- Harbor seal
- Hatchetfish
- Hector's dolphin
- Hermit crab
- Herring
- Hippopotamus
- Hoki (white fish)
- Horn shark
- Horseshoe crab
- Humpback whale
- Hydra (freshwater polyp)
I:- Iberian nase
- Imperator Angelfish
- Irukandji jellyfish
- Isopod
J:- Jellyfish
- John Dory (fish)
K:- Killer whale
- Killifish (minnow; fish)
- Koi (fish)
- Krill (crustacean like a shrimp)
L:- Lamprey (fish)
- Limpet (freshwater snail)
- Ling (fish)
- Lionfish
- Lobster
- Loggerhead turtle
- Lungfish
M:- Macropod
- Manatee (freshwater mammal)
- Manta ray
- Mantis ray
- Marlin (large game fish)
- Minnow (freshwater fish0
- Molly (fish)
- Mollusk (shellfish)
- Monkfish
- Moray (tropical eel with sharp teeth)
- Mullet (fish)
- Mussel
- Megaladon (Prehistoric shark)
N:- Narwhal (water pods0
- Narwhale
- Nauplius (crustacean larva)
- Nautilus (sea mollusk)
- Needlefish
- Neon blue guppy
- Neon blue hermit crab
- Neon red guppy
- Neon tetra (fish)
- Nerka (salmon)
- Nettlefish (jellyfish)
- Northern pike (fish)
- Northern seahorse
- Norway lobster
- Nudibranch (sea slug)
- Nurse shark
O:- Octopus
- Orca
- Ostracod (freshwater crustacean)
- Otter
- Oyster
P:- Paddlefish
- Perch (fish)
- Pike (fish)
- PikePerch
- Pilchard (fish)
- Pinniped (aquatic mammal)
- Piranha
- Plankton
- Polliwog (tadpole)
- Polyp (coral)
- Porpoise (whale)
- Portuguese man of war
- Prawn
- Praying mantis
- Puffer/Puffer fish
- Pupfish
- Python
Q:- Quahog (clam)
- Queen conch (giant conch)
- Queensland grouper (bass; cod)
- Quillback (freshwater fish)
R:- Ragfish
- Rainbow fish
- Rainbow trout
- Rasbora (fish)
- Ratfish
- Rattail fish
- Ray
S:- Sablefish
- Salmon
- Salamanda
- Saltwater crocodile
- Sand dollar (marine animal related to sea urchin)
- Sandbar shark
- Sardine
- Sawfish
- Sea hog (whale)
- Seahorse
- Sea lion
- Sea urchin
- Seal
- Serpent
- Shark
- Srimp
- Silverfish
- Silverside fish
- Smelts (fish)
- Sockeye salmon
- Sponge
- Spotted dolphin
- Squid
- Starfish
- Stickleback (spiny fish)
- Stingray
- Sturgeon (fish)
- Sunfish
- Sellfish
- Swordfish
T:- Tadpole
- Tench (food and game fish)
- Tiger shark
- Tilefish
- Toadfish
- Tortoise
- Trout
- Tuna
- Turtle
U:V:- Velvet crab
- Viperfish
- Viper squid
- Volcom
W:- Walleye (freshwater fish)
- Walrus
- Waterdog (aquatic salamander)
- Water-snake
- Whale
- Whapuku (fish)
- White-beaked dolphin
- Wobbegong (shark)
- wrass (fish)
- Wreckfish
- Water Opossum
X:- X-Ray fish
- X-Ray tetra
- Xanthareel (yellow eel)
- Xenopterygii (order of fishes)
- Xiphias (swordfish)
- Xiphosura (class of arthropods)
- Xiphosuran (horseshoe crab)
Y:- Yapok (aquatic opossum)
- Yellow-finned tuna
- Yosemite toad
Z:- Zander
- Zebrashark
- Zebra fish
- Zooplankton
A:albatross,anemonie,anglerfish,angelshark,adeli penguin. B:blueshark,box jellyfish,blue whale, bryders whale,bootlace worm,bull shark,bluefin tuna. C:colossal squid,coral,crab,clam,
cookiecutter shark,clownfish,cuttle fish. D:dolphin,dolphin fish,deep sea hatchetfish. E:emperor penguin. F:fangtooth,flying fish,frill shark,
flashlight fish,fin whale. G:giant squid,great white shark,galopogos shark,
gannet,grey whale. H:humbolt squid,hagfish,humpback whale,herring.
I:ice fish. J:??. K:king penguin,krill. L:lion fish,lions mane jellyfish.
M:mako shark,megamouth shark,macoroni penguin,mink whale,marlin.
N:needle fish,nudibranch. O:octopus,orca,oarfish. P:polar bear,pufferfish.
Q:??. R:right whale. S:starfish,stingray,swordfish,sailfish,sealion,seal,sea turtle,
sea snake,sperm whale,shrimp,scallop,sea urchin,sun fish,seahorse,stonefish. T:tube worm,tiger shark.
U:??. V:vampire squid,viper fish. W:whale shark,wobbegon,wolf fish. X:??
Y:??. Z:??.