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Quiet, quite, quit, qua, aqua, quail, quails, quietly, quits, quad, quads, queer, queers, equip, equips, equipped, equipment, quilt, quilts, quick, quickly, quid, squid, squids, quip, quips, quiz, quizzes, quizzed, quiver, quivers, quaver, quavers, quote, quotes, quoted, quay, quays, aquamarine, aquatic, aquatics.

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Q: What scrabble words contain a q?
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There are over 580 words that contain the letter Q, including: liqueur liquids liquify liquors acequia acquest See the related links for more.

Where could one find a list of words using the word Q?

If what you want is a list of words using the letter Q you could go with a Scrabble word finder. That will show words that start with Q as well as words that contain the letter Q.

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Words that contain the letter Q:acquireacquittedequalequalityequitableesquireinquirequalmquandaryqueasyqueenqueerquestionquestionablequickquillquotationQuransquashsquirmsquish

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The Scrabble dictionary contains 4,069 words that have a "q" in them. You might want to narrow it down a bit. grep q sowpods.txt |wc 4069

Does U always follow Q in the english language?

Most words which contain a Q that is not followed by a U are words that have been adopted into English from other languages. These thirty-nine examples are taken from the TWL (the Scrabble dictionary):buqshabuqshasburqaburqasfaqirfaqirsmbaqangambaqangasqabalaqabalahqabalahsqabalasqadiqadisqaidqaidsqanatqanatsqatqatsqiqindarqindarkaqindarsqintarqintarsqisqiviutqiviutsqophqophsqwertyqwertyssheqalimsheqelsheqelssuqstranqsumiaqs

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Words with letter t and q?

Antique, boutique, critique, earthquake and tequila are words. They contain the letters t and q.