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Science words O:

  • occipital lobe (part of the brain)
  • oxygen
  • observe, observtions
  • orbit
  • omnivore (in Biology, describes and animal that eats both plants and other animals)
  • onyx (in earth science, a semi-precious gemstone used in jewelry making)
  • operant conditioning (in biology, a way of changing or improving behavior based on rewards and punishments)
  • ophthalmology the study of the eye and the diseases that can impact it
  • organs (particular parts of the body such as liver, heart lungs, etc.)
  • organic (in biology, this term refers to regular processes of the body rather than influences outide the body) also refers to foods grown without chemicals
  • organic chemistry (the studyof compounds containing carbon)
  • orafice (in biology, an opening in the body such as nose, mouth etc.)
  • orthopedics branch of medicine concerned with bones
  • osteopathy the practice of treating pain by putting pressure on muscles or moving muscles
  • osmosis (n physics, the process of liquid passing through a membrane
  • osprey (in biology, a type of large hawk)
  • ossify (in biology, the process where cartilage turns to bone)
  • outer space
  • ovary (one of the two parts in females where eggs are produced)
  • ovum an egg, especially one that developes inside the mother's body
  • ovule part of a plant where seeds develop
  • owl a type of bird, hunts at night, eyes face forward, a loud call
  • ocelot a wild animal, member of the cat family
  • ozone
  • oviparous describes animals whilch produce babies which develop inside an egg
  • oyster a small ocean animal
  • opal in earth science, a type of gemstone
  • ox, otter and ostrich in biology, other members of the animal kingdom

outer core is another one and btw it would be AN o

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