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Route 212 (Southern Portion)

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Q: What route is ekans on in platinum when fire red in inserted?
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How do you get ekans in Pokemon black?

Ekans can be found on Route 212 South when Fire Red is inserted into the other game port.

How do you catch a ekans on Pokemon Platinum?

Pastoria, you have to be city side of route 212 after you get national dex insert Pokemon fire red into GBA slot. but i cant see ekans in Pokemon platiom version

Can you catch a growlithe in Pokemon diamond pearl or platinum?

Yes. The easiest way is to migrate. The way to do it without migrating is Route 202 (Fire Red Inserted)

Where to find a growlithe on Pokemon platinum?

Go to Route 201 with Pokemon Fire Red inserted in your DS Lite or DS. It is quite rare, so keep trying. You must also have the National Dex.

Where can you find ekans in Pokemon Red?

u hav 2 hav Pokemon fire red in game pak slot and you find him on route 212 and hes in the southern part

How to catch a growlithe in Pokemon platinum with pokeradar?

u have to have fire red inserted in the gba slot that's how i caught it

Where can find aTM fire punch in Pokemon platinum?

fire punch isn't a TM in platinum. There is a move tutor who will teach it to your Pokemon. it is the tutor on the route west of pastoria city

Where do you catch ekans in Pokemon SoulSilver?

In Diamond you can find Ekans only when you also have the GBA game FireRed. When you've put FireRed in the GBA slot of your DS, you can find Ekans at route 212. It's rare and will be between levels 18-20. You can find it at all times.

Where do you find Ekans in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can only get Ekans on Pokemon Leaf Green by trading one from Pokemon Fire Red.

Where do you get ekans in emerald?

there is no ekans in emerald =/ you have to trade it from fire red (not leaf green leafgreen has no ekans) you can fire ekans on routes 4,8,9,10,11,22 and 23 if any of you are stuck again go to

How Do You Get A Ninetales?

Evolve a Vulpix by using a Fire Stone. You can get a Vulpix by having Leaf Green inserted in your DS at Route 209.

Where can you catch caterpie in platinum?

on route 204 although you need Pokemon fire red in the gba a slot