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Q: What quest do you need to go to tomb of storms?
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Well, In Krokotopia, There Are 3 Different Islands. The Oasis, KrokoSphinx, And The Tomb Of Storms. The Oasis Is The Longest, KrokoSphinx The 2nd Longest, And Tomb Of Storms Is Really Short. Every Island Ends In A Dungeon. For The Oasis The Throne Room Of Fire Is The Dungeon, For KrokoSphinx It's Emperor's Retreat (Not Vault Of Ice), And The Tomb Of Storms Ends In Temple Of Storms, Which Then You Get The Quest To Go To MarleyBone.

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you have to go to Triton avenue. you can get there from old town, and you can get to old town from the shopping district. you can get there from the commons. You probably know where the commons are, and if not, USE THE MAP!!!!!!

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you go to the obsidia's lair in the map and there you click on the first tomb from the right.

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First go to perion then talk to manji u can only go there if ur level 50+ and once u go in there go to the top left portal and there he is standing there. the first quest u need to do is fight a jr. rog yourself

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Go to /join castle then go to the king then click reputation then do the Battleunder Battleon quest which gives you 2000 reputation you have to go to the graveyard or battleunder. You should also accept the tomb with a view quest which you go to the same place as the Battleunder Battleon quest wjich gives 600 reputation. Hope this helps!

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We need to go on a quest to find the sword

Where is the Quarantomb in Dragon Quest IX?

Go west from Coffinwell, then after you go to the next area, go up.

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If you need help go on a walkthrough. Search online for 'tomb raider underworld walkthrough'.

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Do the quests in your quest log. There will be one for title and tell you what you need. To actually go up in rank you need to complete the quest.

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you need to do the quest to go in there check or whatever it is