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Q: What protists move by extension of false feet called pseudopodia?
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What protists by extension of false feet called pseudopodia?


What structures do amoebas use to move?

Amoeba's move by extending pseudopodia. They push microfiliments into their membranes and extend then out as far as they can is a " false foot " type extension. Ten they pull their cellular body up to the point of the pseudopodia extension.

Do protozoa have false feet?

Any organism that moves by means of pseudopodia (false feet) is called an amoeboid. Amoeboids are a branch of protozoans, but there are porotzoans that are not amoeboids. The answer to your question is that some protozoa (amoeboids) have pseudopodia (false feet), but the rest do not.

What are the locomotory organs of an amoeba?

Pseudopodia. This is an extension of the amoeba's membrane in two places for food gathering and, perhaps, one place for locomotion, by the cytoskeleton elements; the microtubules.

How does amoeba moves show video?

amoeba moves by its false feet called pseudopodia.

What are the three ways that animal-like protists move?

three ways protozoans move are cilia, pushing out part of their bodys called pseudopod, and flagella.

How does protist cell move?

Most protists move and generate their movement with cilia, flagella, or pseudopodia (false feet).Protists that are classified as animal-like are called protozoans and share some common traits with animals.All animal-like protists are heterotrophs. Likewise, all animal-like protists are able to move in their environment in order to find their food. Unlike, animals, however, animal-like protists are all unicellular.

Is it true that protists that can make their own food are offten called animal-like protists?

False. They are plant-like protists.

Amoebas move and surround prey with pseudopodia otherwise known as?

Psuedopodia can be called a "false foot".

Amoebas move by using extenions of their cytoplasm called?

The ameba makes a "false foot" extension called a pseudopod. The cytoplasm inside the cell is capable of changing into different states. It can turn very easily from a fluid into a solid state and vice versa. The fluid state of the cytoplasm is called plasmasol, the more solid state is called plasmagel. When the organism locomotes the plasmasol flows through the center of the cell towards the front. When the plasmasol moves to the sides it becomes solid again. This way the cell can propel itself as a whole but can also send pseudopodia in many directions.

How do plant like protists move?

Plant like protists move by using their flagella to push themselves through the water. They move their bodies forward and then pull the rest of their body behind them.

What is another name for pseudopods?

A pseudopod is a temporary protrusion of cytoplasm that can be used for locomotion. Pseudopodia can be called false feet.