#001Bulbasaur#002Ivysaur#003Venusaur#012Butterfree#025Pikachu#026Raichu#035Clefairy#036Clefable#039Jigglypuff#040Wigglytuff#043Oddish#044Gloom#045Vileplume#046Paras#047Parasect#048Venonat#049Venomoth#052Meowth#053Persian#054Psyduck#055Golduck#063Abra#064Kadabra#065Alakazam#069Bellsprout#070Weepinbell#071Victreebel#079Slowpoke#080Slowbro#081Magnemite#082Magneton#096Drowzee#097Hypno#100Voltorb#101Electrode#102Exeggcute#103Exeggutor#109Koffing#110Weezing#113Chansey#114Tangela#120Staryu#121Starmie#122Mr. Mime#124Jynx#125Electabuzz#135Jolteon#137Porygon#145Zapdos#150Mewtwo#151
These pokemon can learn flash
how do you use flash? just go to pokemon and go to the pokemon that knows flash. press A and it will say in blue text "Flash" select that and it will use Flash. it's very useful in dark caves.
When a Pokemon has the move Flash, you go into Party, then select the Pokemon with Flash using the 'A' button and there should be an option that says "Flash". It is only usable in dark locations or within battle.
Pikachu can.
usually any fire type pokemon
Flash and cut can both be found on tms so I would just use the tm on any pokemon you can
how do you use flash? just go to pokemon and go to the pokemon that knows flash. press A and it will say in blue text "Flash" select that and it will use Flash. it's very useful in dark caves.
When a Pokemon has the move Flash, you go into Party, then select the Pokemon with Flash using the 'A' button and there should be an option that says "Flash". It is only usable in dark locations or within battle.
Use Flash.
Pikachu can.
usually any fire type pokemon
in caves and duengeons
use flash
Flash and cut can both be found on tms so I would just use the tm on any pokemon you can
there are many MANY Pokemon that can use the hm flash in Pokemon sapphire. the following Pokemon can: grovile( treeko),kirlia(ralts)shroomish, eletrike, Roselia, plusle, munun, magnemite, voltorb and many more
use flash
get it from this fisherman i think