You can evolve Murkrow into an Honchkrow, and Misdrevous into an Mismagius. That's all the Pokemon that evolve from a Dusk Stone.
Level 41, to Lampent. To evolve it after that, you need a dusk stone
You need to get a dusk stone witch is in the team galctic wharehouse
To evolve a murkrow you need to use a dusk stone on it.
misdreavus does not evolve at a certain level, you need to get a dusk stone and use it on it, it will evolve into a mismagmius, yes the same Pokemon fantina uses in the gym match you have with her. hope i helped you in any way
no it doesnt work you have to give evee rare candys and soothbell at night to get umbreon and day to get espeon i think
Level 41, to Lampent. To evolve it after that, you need a dusk stone
You'll need to evolve Lampent with a Dusk Stone.
You need to get a dusk stone witch is in the team galctic wharehouse
To evolve a murkrow you need to use a dusk stone on it.
you can't find an Honchkrow you need find an Murkrow at route 113 then evolve it with an dusk stone then you can evolve it into an Honchkrow. (hint) you can buy an dusk stone at shop. And route 113 is at indigo world.
Misdreavus evolves when it is exposed to a Dusk stone. It becomes into Mismagious.
Evolve Misdreavus with a Dusk Stone. You cannot find Misdreavus in Pokemon Diamond so you need to trade.
I have gotten it to around level 43 and nothing yet, I can only imagine it will evolve at 45 or 50...
Gorebyss- trade a Clamperl that is holding a Deepseascale Huntail- trade a Clamperl that is holding a Deepseatooth Mismagius- Evolve a Misdreavus with a Dusk Stone Honchkrow- Evolve a Murkrow with a Dusk Stone
In Pokémon Conquest, the issue with Snorunt not evolving due to having a 56% Link level as well as being equipped with a Dusk Stone is because it does not evolve into Froslass through the use of a Dusk Stone or according to your Link level, you will need to equip a Dawn Stone to your Snorunt and it will evolve into Froslass.
No particular level: you need to use a Dusk Stone
most of the stones (moon stone, thunder stone, leaf stone, sun stone, dawn stone, dusk stone, oval stone, shiny stone, ....etc.....) make Pokemon evolve. However, the everstone prevent the holder from evolving.