Pokemon ruby, sapphire, and emerald. The legendaries are groudon kyogre and rayquaza.
The Hoenn Region is available in the pokemon versions Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
You can't get into the hoenn region in Pokemon diamond. It's a 1 region game and that region is SINNOH! BY THE WAY HAVE YOU HEARD OF POKEMON X AND Y
there isn't 1 the 4 regions are Kanto,Johto,Hoenn and Sinnoh but on Nintendo gamecube theres a game called Pokemon Collosuem and the region in that game is called .... i cant remember the name but it has all the Pokemon from Kanto Johto and Hoenn
the Pokemon in the hoenn region are ones like mudkip torchic and treecko. others like poochyena wingull wurmple and shroomish and slakoth are also in the hoenn region. Pokemon like regirock regiice and registeel are Pokemon that show up in Pokemon emerald version for game boy advance.
It is not possible to change the in-game region on Pokemon Emerald. Each Pokemon game is coded to be set in only one region. This means only data for the Hoenn region exists in Pokemon Emerald. Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver are the exceptions as they are set in Johto and Kanto.
The Hoenn Region is available in the pokemon versions Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
You can't get into the hoenn region in Pokemon diamond. It's a 1 region game and that region is SINNOH! BY THE WAY HAVE YOU HEARD OF POKEMON X AND Y
if you mean hoenn region, then that where the game emerald took place. You are playing IN the hoenn region.
emerald ruby and sapphire
Pokemon ruby sapphire and emerald all take place in the hoenn region.
no because the in game is not in the hoenn region it's going to be in a new region called the isshru region ;the game is called Pokemon black and white there's tons of new Pokemon getting created. Japan are the ones how r making it . in the usa it comes out in spring 2011.
there isn't 1 the 4 regions are Kanto,Johto,Hoenn and Sinnoh but on Nintendo gamecube theres a game called Pokemon Collosuem and the region in that game is called .... i cant remember the name but it has all the Pokemon from Kanto Johto and Hoenn
no, i think you have to trade it from the hoenn region(pokemon emerald) to get it in your diamond game
It's the HOENN pokedex and there's 200-135 hoenn Pokemon and 65 others.
No, you cannot catch Mudkip in Pokemon Liquid Crystal as it is not included in the game. Mudkip is originally from the Hoenn region, and Liquid Crystal is a ROM hack based on the Johto region.
Emerald is the latest game in the 3rd Generation and the Hoenn region. It is also the last pokemon game for the gameboy.
The Hoenn Region is exclusive to the Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald GBA games. So far, the Hoenn Region is not included in any other existing Pokemon game. The GBA Pokemon games can only communicate with the DS Pokemon games via the Pal Park. Pokemon Heart Gold only includes the Johto Region and the Kanto Region. A special event occurs in the game that will let you visit the Sinjo Ruins.