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southern ocean, Indian ocean

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Q: What ocean does not end with the letter c?
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What is an ocean that doesn't end what the letter c?

Indian Ocean

If three ocean names end with the letter c name one that does not?


What ocean name doesn't start with the letter c?

Oceans of the world include the Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and the Southern Ocean. They do not begin with the letter C.

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Some words that start with the letter c and end with the letter k include:caulkchickchink (a piece)clackclickclockcluckcock (rooster)cookcrackcrankcrankshaftcreekcreakcrickcroakcrockcrook

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What is a word beginning with k and ending with c?

Kinetic and kleptomaniac begin with the letter k. They end with the letter c.