The legend of Zelda 1,and 2. final fantasy1,2,and 3. and I think dragon quest.
It Is Possible But No Company Has Released An Adaptor To Allow You To Do This. There Are Many Dual Consoles Out There That Let You Play Both SNES And NES Games But None Of Them Are Perfect.
Like most NES games, there is no way to save your progress in Super Mario Bros.
There have been over one thousand NES games released worldwide.
If your MP5 supports '.nes' games like mine does, then try downlading .nes ROMs... .nes are originally Nintendo Entertainment System files.
On the original hardware, you can't. But through emulation, you can.
It Is Possible But No Company Has Released An Adaptor To Allow You To Do This. There Are Many Dual Consoles Out There That Let You Play Both SNES And NES Games But None Of Them Are Perfect.
Like most NES games, there is no way to save your progress in Super Mario Bros.
i was actually playing Excitebike the other day and was able to save and load tracks, i dont know if it will load back up when i turn off the NES though. good question.
Speed runs of NES video games can be viewed on sites that review video games. The larger, more popular sites will have video to allow players to view the game before purchasing.
There have been over one thousand NES games released worldwide.
sadly no
Famicom games do not work on the NES, unless you have a 60-to-72 pin converter in one of your games.
If your MP5 supports '.nes' games like mine does, then try downlading .nes ROMs... .nes are originally Nintendo Entertainment System files.
You can't unless you take out the lock out chip in the NES console
No you cannot. There are some fakes that do allow you to save. The vast majority do not
Very very few. The technology for battery pack saving was just really starting out in the days of the NES. It was possible on some of the bigger games such as Final Fantasy, Metroid and Zelda though. The NES Nintendo used a battery usually for saves. Unlike todays systems there was no hard drive or memory card so if the game didn't have built in capabilities you couldn't save. A lot of the games used codes that you entered that allowed you access back to the point you were at. Hope this helps mate.
Go to, you can play most games from nes to super nes and a few more, without downloads. You just need an account to save your files. Requires good flash