Belligerent, boastful, boring and bossy are negative words. Bad, bratty and bully are negative words.
there are NO words in the English language that begin with "b" and end with "ssion" is there a chance you are misspelling your question?
Bear starts with the letter B
Belgium is a country that starts with B.
A bumper sticker is sticky. It starts with the letter b.
Belligerent, boastful, boring and bossy are negative words. Bad, bratty and bully are negative words.
There are no words that start with B and rhyme with abrasive.
bubble mixture
nonevernot now
kabob, knob, kerb
take any dictionary
· Bellevue is a city in Nebraska
Some words beginning with B and ending with ER:BabblerBackerBadderBadgerBafflerBaggierBakerBalderBalerBalkierBalmierBankerBannerBarberBarerBarkerBarrierBarterBaserBasterBatterBattierBattlerBawdierBeadierBeakerBearerBeaterBeaverBeefierBeeperBeerBickerBidderBierBiggerBikerBinderBiterBitterBittierBlabberBlackerBladderBlanderBlasterBleakerBleederBlenderBlinderBlinkerBlisterBlitherBloaterBlockerBlonderBloomerBlooperBlotterBlubberBluerBlufferBlunderBlunterBlusherBoarderBoasterBolsterBonerBonierBoogerBoosterBoozierBorderBorerBotcherBotherBottlerBoulderBouncerBounderBowerBowlerBoxerBraggerBranderBraverBrawlerBrazierBreederBrewerBriberBrieferBrierBroaderBroilerBrokerBrooderBrotherBrownerBrowserBruiserBucklerBufferBuggerBuggierBuilderBulgierBulkierBumblerBummerBumperBumpierBunglerBunkerBurgerBurlierBurnerBushierBusierBustierButcherButlerButterBuyerBuzzer
As this looks like a homework question I will tell you only the rule, not the specific answer. Otherwise it's cheating! A - (-B) = A + B. This applies too if A is negative. Or in words a doubled negative become positive.