Piplup is a Pokemon. Piplup is the Penguin Pokemon. Piplup evolve into Prinplup which evolves into Empoleon. Piplup is one of the three starter Pokemon for the Sinnoh Region. Piplup is number 393 in the National Pokedex and Number 007 in the Sinnoh Pokedex.
giratinas national pokedex number is 487.
For the national dex its Ekans. In the sinnoh dex its Magikarp.
It is 382 IN National Pokedex.
Piplup is #393 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.
the Pokemon for national dex number 124 is jynx and for sinnoh dex number 124 the Pokemon is azurill.
Piplup is a Pokemon. Piplup is the Penguin Pokemon. Piplup evolve into Prinplup which evolves into Empoleon. Piplup is one of the three starter Pokemon for the Sinnoh Region. Piplup is number 393 in the National Pokedex and Number 007 in the Sinnoh Pokedex.
#96 in the Sinnoh dex #440 in he National dex
number 244 in nat dex and number 244 in pre national dex
You can but you will need action replay you can get a ditto and breed it in scolaceon town but you have to beat the elite 4 and national dex. if i tell you the rest it will be a spoiler!
Number 251
Eevee's number on the Kanto (National Dex) is 133. It's number in the Johto Dex is 184. It's number in the Hoenn Dex is 288. It's number in the Sinnoh Dex is 163.
Suicune's number in the national dex is #245.
giratinas national pokedex number is 487.
Sinnoh dex = 4. National dex = 390.
#328 in National Dex. #116 in Hoenn Dex.