Here are a few courtesy of Wikipedia:
* Danso (Korea) * Dizi (China) * Duduk (Armenia) * Didgeridoo * Diple (or Dvojnice) (Croatia) * Dulzaina (Spain) * Dulcian * Doulophone/Cuprophone * Dahu (China) * Đàn bầu (Vietnam) * Đàn gáo (Vietnam) * Đàn nguyệt (Vietnam) * Đàn tam thập lục (Vietnam) * Đàn tranh (Vietnam) * Đàn tỳ bà (Vietnam) * Dihu (China) * Domra (Kazakhstan) * Double-neck guitjo * Double Bass * Dutar (Central Asia) * Duxianqin (China) Link to more:
A musical instrument starting with the letter g is a guitar.
The mandolin is a musical instrument. The mellophone is a musical instrument.
* Cello * Cymbals * Castinet
Viola Violin
Irish flute, ilimba drum (from Zimbabwe) and igil (a bowed string instrument) are musical instruments. They begin with i.
Piano, Piccolo, Pandoura, Pipa, Psaltery, Piaxiao, Palendag, Pulalu, Pan Pipes, Pidgorn, Piccolo Oboe, Pipe Organ, Plasmaphone, Pyrophone.
musical instruments o visayas
i know one instrument that starts with s is saxophonesaxophone synthesizer
There really is no technical name for someone who impersonates musical instruments and machines. They would simply be called an impersonator of musical instruments and machines.
There are many websites which sell musical instruments. Two websites which have musical instruments for sale are eBay and Amazon. Additionally, an individual may find musical instruments through Guitar Center, Target, and Wal-Mart.
There are hundreds of different musical instruments around the world. Flutes and drums are some of the oldest. Stringed instruments such as the guitar, lute, dulcimer, and piano are found in many cultures as well.
It is called acapella.
There are a large number of instruments including:trumpetclarinetflutepiccolotubabaritonetrombonesnare drumbass drumguitarsaxophoneeuphoniumxylophonemarimbachimestrianglefrench hornbassoonoboebass guitarpianobongosgongviolincellotimpaniThere are many more instruments.
Larry bird