The anagram of the name Avril Lavigne is "Viler, Vaginal."
The anagram of the name spice girls is "Crispi Legs."
The anagram of the name music charts is "Christ! A scum."
An anagram is word of phrase that can be rearranged to form another word, phrase, or name. One can find an anagram maker at A2Z Wordfinder and Anagram Solver.
The anagram is the country name Ireland.
The letters rearranged spell "Albert Einstein".
The anagram is the bird name kestrel.
The spelling Teloca is a female given name, related to Telca.(* if this is an anagram question, the anagram is locate)
The common word anagram is army.Another anagram is a proper noun, Mary, a female given name.
Those letters spell Spiderman.
The anagram is Lindsay Lohan.
This could be either the male given name Vishal, or the name of the dog breed from Hungary, the vizsla.(*if looking for the anagram question, the trivial anagram is lavish)
The anagram is "Crimplene" (trademarked name for an early polyester fabric).
The anagram is "mason" (constructs with brick and stone).
*There may not be an anagram. Some letters in the scramble spell "thespian" so it is possible that the anagram was for "an actor" not an actress name.
Britney Spears.