Level Move 1 Growl 2 Thundershock 5 Tail Whip 10 Thunderwave 13 Quick Attack 18 Double team 21 Slam 26 Thunder Bolt 29 Feint 34 Agility 37 Discharge 42 Light Screen 45 Thunder
leveling up: thundershock growl tail whip thunder wave quick attack double team slam thunderbolt agility thunder light screen
yes but you don't know what moves the day care lady will change
moves like bite, flame wheel, flamethrower lvl 50, take down
There's 2 areas where you can find pikachu: Viridian Forest and the Power Plant.
Lots. Earthquake, horn drill, mega kick etc...
Fire type moves
of course he can learn moves. he can learn the strongest move of fire types, the fire blast.
yes pikachu can also if you need any other help on moves in pokeman goto serebii.net
Heat Wave, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, I think.
leveling up: thundershock growl tail whip thunder wave quick attack double team slam thunderbolt agility thunder light screen
yes but you don't know what moves the day care lady will change
you take him to island two and talk to that lady up the waterfalls. you have to put him first in the row
Get the AAA pokedex app at the app store it is only four bucks and it shows every pokemon where to find them and what moves they can learn and at what level that can learn it at
moves like bite, flame wheel, flamethrower lvl 50, take down
It learns that Pokemon are corny, and decides to become a transformer.
There's 2 areas where you can find pikachu: Viridian Forest and the Power Plant.