Dawn's Buneary has used the moves Bounce, Ice Beam and Dizzy Punch. It was first seen using the moves in "Setting The World On Its Buneary!" and has used the same moves ever since.
No. Buneary kisses Pikachu.
Buneary evolves into Lopunny.
Buneary can be found in Eterna Forest.
buneary needs to have freindship during the daytime!
sadly not anytime soon
Well I would take da Roselia because it can learn better moves than a buneary!
Hello Dawns,
Buneary is called Buneary because the Pokemon is based on a Rabbit (called a Bunny as a nickname) and one of its traits is its long ears. Bun-Bunny+Eary-Ears=Buneary
ice beam,thundershock,hi jump kick low jump kick.i'll improve when i get more information. <)
no you have to teach it ice beam
If you mean buneary on diamond and pearl, I have 15 of them. buneary is a Pokemon only on Pokemon diamond and pearl
In order for Buneary to evolve into Lopunny is that Buneary's happiness has to be 220.
It is possible to get a pink Buneary on Pokemon Platinum. This is because the pink Buneary is Buneary's shiny color. However getting a shiny Pokemon is very rare with a 1 in 8192 chance of a wild Buneary or hatched Buneary being a shiny.
You can find Buneary in Eterna Forest.
No. Buneary kisses Pikachu.