- Scratch
5 Leer
9 Taunt
13 Quick Attack
17 Razor Wind
21 Bite
26 Swords Dance
31 Double Team
36 Slash
41 Future Sight
46 Perish Song
nothing bum
Only transform
See related link.
Pokemon will not learn moves while being raised in the daycare center. They will keep the same set of moves that you put them into the daycare with. However, moves that were missed can still be relearned through the move tutor.
Both pokemon have equal characteristics and choosing between them is a difficult task: Absol is a Dark Type that favors Attack power along with Speed it struggles against enemy pokemon that also favor Attack power because of it's low Defense power which usually occurs from Fighting Type pokemon which have an advantage against Dark Types, Manectric is an Electric Type that favors Special Attack power along with Speed and struggles against enemy pokemon that favor Attack power because it's Defense power is low which usually is extremely noticeable against Ground Types. So which one Absol or Manectric? Considering the moves you can teach each and the strategies usuable with each the best move is to go with Absol because both pokemon can learn Dark moves and Ghost moves however Absol can also learn Normal Type moves which may benefit when against a Fighting Type especially if the move is Body Slam.
Of course it does
use serebii.net
nothing bum
Only transform
Has to be traded from LeafGreen/Colosseum.
The Tm's are moves that can be tought to certain pokemon e.g:pikachu can learn thunderbolt.
normal types can learn just about any movenormal types can learn just about any moveActually, normal types can NOT learn all moves. For example, Glameow, the normal pokemon, can not learn any dragon type moves.
It is impossible to make a Pokemon know more that 4 moves in Pokemon Emerald and any Pokemon game. It is hard coded into the games for a Pokemon to never know more than 4 moves. While a Pokemon can learn more than 4 moves it can only know 4 at a time.
See related link.
Pokemon will not learn moves while being raised in the daycare center. They will keep the same set of moves that you put them into the daycare with. However, moves that were missed can still be relearned through the move tutor.
this is quite a hard question but what i did was i used the ar cheat "pokemon can learn any move" and i used it on ditto and i used a girl absol in order to get the two moves.
Shiftry does not learn any moves by leveling up