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Torterra is capable of learning Earthquake at Level 32, at 33 it learns Leech Seed, 39 it learns SYnthesis, 45 it learns Crunch, 51 it learns Giga Drain and at Level 57 it learns Leaf Storm.

It can also learn Frenzy Plant. If you go to Route 25 and look around you will find a man that will teach it to torterra for free.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

leafblade, razorleaf, solarbeam, and ingrain.

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Q: What moves does Torterra learn?
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What ground moves can torterra learn?

The best is earthquake by TM

What moves does tortteror learn in his life time Pokemon Diamond?

my torterra knows:giga drain frensy plant hyper beam and stone edge torterra can also learn the moves leaf storm rock climb and rock smash

What ground moves could torterra learn?

earthquake ( sorry tats the only one i can think of )

What moves does Torterra learn by levelling up?émon) You can find them all here.

When does torterra learn synthesis?

You have to upgrade your torterra to level 39 before it can learn synthesis.

How do you get your torterra to learn leaf storm in pokemon pearl?

Torterra can learn Leaf Storm at level 57.

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Torterra can be taught Solar Beam with TM22

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Torterra can't learn Energy Ball on its own. You have to get the TM for Energy Ball.

What are all the moves that torterra can learn at what levels?

The Torterra moves are: tackle, withdraw, absorb, razor leaf, wood hammer, curse, bite, mega drain, earthquake, leech seed, synthesis, crunch, giga drain, leaf storm, and frenzy plant. Torterra learns all these moves by level 80. (frenzy plant is learned from some guy in a house near the resort area, and the fight area).

Can torterra learn leaf blade?

No. Torterra doesn't, because that move is only in the Hoenn Region.

What moves can Torterra learn on Pokemon Diamond?

Torterra is capable of learning Earthquake at Level 32, at 33 it learns Leech Seed, 39 it learns SYnthesis, 45 it learns Crunch, 51 it learns Giga Drain and at Level 57 it learns Leaf Storm. It can also learn Frenzy Plant. If you go to Route 25 and look around you will find a man that will teach it to torterra for free.

What level does torterra learn crunch?