1Pt: Ominous Wind
1DP: Night Shade
11Quick Attack
29Pt: Faint Attack
29DP: Pursuit
47Double Team
66Dark Void
75Pt: Nasty Plot
75DP: Embargo
84Dream Eater
93Dark Pulse
Yes, Darkrai can learn the moves Roar of Time and Spacial Rend.
Darkrai is good and so is giratina but my opinion giritina is better he can learn shadow sneak and lots of other cool moves :O :D
Yes, mew is stronger than darkrai. Darkrai is stronger because Mew doesn't have any special attacks. Mew's strongest moves are Aura Sphere and Psyhic. Those two moves are not as powerful as Darkrai's moves.
No, it can have Spacial Rend and Roar Of Time but those moves are if by a specific event, the OT to this particular event pokemon is ALAMOS, which is a reference to Darkrai's Movie, as to why he don't get Shadow Force considering the three legendary pokemon who have these moves are all from the same game generation i can only guess is it's due to the movie, since Giratina appears in a seperate movie later and without Darkrai yet Dialga and Palkia do appear in the Darkrai movie (heck they are a part of the whole movie)
Darkrai starts out with these moves if you got him from the special Toys R Us event that took place last year. Otherwise, you can try the move tutor.
Yes, Darkrai can learn the moves Roar of Time and Spacial Rend.
at level 100 it can learn the four one-hit-kos
No, Darkrai is not able to learn Earthquake.
Darkrai is good and so is giratina but my opinion giritina is better he can learn shadow sneak and lots of other cool moves :O :D
Yes, mew is stronger than darkrai. Darkrai is stronger because Mew doesn't have any special attacks. Mew's strongest moves are Aura Sphere and Psyhic. Those two moves are not as powerful as Darkrai's moves.
Darkrai moves : lv 100 , dark void , dream eater , Hypnosis, dark pulse. Darkrai moves : lv 40 , hypnosis , pursuit , dream eater , quick attack
Darkrai is the only one who can learn it by level, although Smeargle can use Sketch to learn it as well.
Some good moves for darkrai are: Dark void-darkrai's signature move and puts them to sleep very gud wiv darkrai's ability-learnt at around lvl 65 dream eater: good move on a sleeping foe-learnt at around lvl 85 Dark pulse-best damage dealing move for darkrai-learnt at lvl 93 psychic:good move for countering a fighting type foe(fighting>dark) i think u get it at game corner
In the Pokemon games Darkrai learns the move dark void at level 66. He is the only Pokemon which can learn this move.
No, it can have Spacial Rend and Roar Of Time but those moves are if by a specific event, the OT to this particular event pokemon is ALAMOS, which is a reference to Darkrai's Movie, as to why he don't get Shadow Force considering the three legendary pokemon who have these moves are all from the same game generation i can only guess is it's due to the movie, since Giratina appears in a seperate movie later and without Darkrai yet Dialga and Palkia do appear in the Darkrai movie (heck they are a part of the whole movie)