The moves that Flygon is capable of learning would include ones such as Sand Attack, Sonicboom, Sand Tomb, Faint Attack, Supersonic, Screech, Dragon Claw, Dragonbreath, Sandstorm, Dragon Tail, Hyper Beam, Bide, Bulldoze, Rock Slide and Earth Power.
Flygon doesn't naturally learn either of those moves.
Flygon is a Dragon and Ground type pokemon. It's weaknesses are Ice type moves and Dragon type moves.
flygon learns dragon claw at level 60 and learns hyper beam at level 65
Here is the list of Pokemon who can learn Fly: Salamence Rayquaza Crobat Zatu Skarmory Taillow Swellow Wingull Pelliper Vibrava Flygon Swablu Altaria I made Swellow and Flygon Learn IT.
Flygon doesn't naturally learn either of those moves.
Flygon is a Dragon and Ground type pokemon. It's weaknesses are Ice type moves and Dragon type moves.
flygon learns dragon claw at level 60 and learns hyper beam at level 65
Here is the list of Pokemon who can learn Fly: Salamence Rayquaza Crobat Zatu Skarmory Taillow Swellow Wingull Pelliper Vibrava Flygon Swablu Altaria I made Swellow and Flygon Learn IT.
Flygon can learn many useful moves like Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Draco Meteor, Fire Punch, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, and U-Turn.
Flygon is a dragon and ground type Pokémon. In Pokémon Emerald, it learns moves such as Sonic Boom and Sand Attack.
use tms and HMS
Yes, it can.
It never does; you need to find the hm.
check out http :// should pretty much cover anything ya need to know
Yes, Flygon is actually one of the best dragon type Pokemon in the world. Flygon could beat Zekrom because Flygon can know alot of super-effective ground moves. plus, Zekrom's best move "fusion bolt" can't affect flygon because he is a ground type also. fusion bolt is an electric type attack, and electric moves don't affect ground Pokemon. Here is some info about Flygon: Size: 6ft 7in Weight: 180.8 pounds Species: mystic Pokemon Dex no.: 330 Type: dragon,ground It is known as the desert spirit. Flygon can create sandstorms with rapid flapping of its wings.