Lv.2-Tail Whip
Lv.11-Quick Attack
Lv.16-Water Gun
Lv.29-Take Down
Lv.36-Aqua Jet
Lv.47-Hydro Pump
Lv.61-Rock Blast
Thanks to Pokemon Platinum!
it cant, use a hm to make him learn it!
bibaral can learn all HMS except fly and defog
Wingull cannot Rock Smash, try teaching it to Linoone or Bidoof.
it can learn Grass and Psychic moves
A Bidoof does not exist yet. You cannot and never will be able to get a Bidoof on Fire Red.
it cant, use a hm to make him learn it!
bibaral can learn all HMS except fly and defog
Wingull cannot Rock Smash, try teaching it to Linoone or Bidoof.
it can learn Grass and Psychic moves
Bidoof was created in 2006.
Bidoof's name originates from the words biber (beaver in German) and tooth.
A Bidoof does not exist yet. You cannot and never will be able to get a Bidoof on Fire Red.
you get bidoof at route 201 or 202
rollout is not a TM. BIDOOF and GRAVELER learn it by level up (as well as a few others).
Of course it can learn dragon moves such as dragonbreath and dragon dance and also can learn moves like twister and waterfall.
No.Magikarp cannot learn any TM moves if it evolves into gyarados then gyarados can learn TM moves and HM moves too. I Hope i helped you!
on my game the only Pokemon i know who can learn rock smash are Raichu Palkia bidoof i think and may be Emporeon