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just the move take sucks

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Q: What moves can beldum learn?
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What moves and when does beldum learn sapphire?

All Beldum learns is Take Down. Metang and Metagross learn different moves. Hope this helps!

In Pokemon Emerald Why Can't Beldum Learn Any Moves?

because beldum can't learn any moves until he evolves into metang at lv 20 and metang can learn 2 moves : confusion and metal claw . you should go to"" for more information

What TM's can beldum learn?

Beldum can not learn any Tms or HMs.

Does beldum learn more than one move?

No. It only learns Take Down, so you have to evolve it to get new moves.

What moves does beldum know?

Just take down

What attacks does beldum learn in Pokemon emerald?

takedown and that's it till you eveolve it

Is there any way for Beldum to learn moves because Metang looks awful?

It can only learn Take Down. However if you are playing Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, it can learn Iron Head, Iron Defense, and Zen Headbutt via tutoring. Either way, looks doesn't really matter.... '_'

What Pokemon are on the winners path?

Munchlax,Magikarp,Horsea,Duskull,&Beldum. They all know specail moves.

What level does metang learn confusion?

Metang learns Confusion at Level 20, the instant it finishes evolving from Beldum. If you leave your Beldum in a Day Care center and it goes up past 20, it won't learn Confusion except by use of a Move Tutor.

What moves can exeggcute learn?

it can learn Grass and Psychic moves

Where do you get a Matang and a Beldum?

You have to evolve beldum to a metang and you can find beldum at route 228

Who will trade me beldum?

I Will Trade You A Beldum