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Mew's SpecialtyMew, an extraordinary Pokemon, can virtually learn all moves no matter what. However, if you try in the Pokemon games, Mew can't possibly learn special moves like Blast Burn, Frenzy Plant, Hydro Cannon, Volt Tackle, Heart Swap, Judgement, etc. In FireRed and LeafGreen, the lady at Cape Brink only teaches elemental Hyper Beams to Venasaur, Blastoise, and Charizard. In the games, Mew can only learn the moves that it learns by leveling up, from Move Tutors, and all the TMs and HMs that you have.
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Q: What moves can't Mew learn?
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When does mew learn moves as it levels up?

Mew learns a move every 10 levels.

What moves does mew learn on emerald?

the exact same on ruby and Sapphire

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Who is mew?

mew is the Pokemon that poke-scientists think was the first Pokemon ever. they think all Pokemon originated from mew since it can learn all kinds of moves.

What all does mew learn on his own and when does he learn it in Pokemon Yellow?

go to then go to the diamond and pearl pokedex section and search mew. the moves pokemon learn in diamond and pearl are the same as yellow.

Who is better mew or Mewtwo?

Mew is better because it can learn any move in any game. so pick mew.Watch Pokemon: The First Movie! A.S.A.PGo mew.

What moves does mewthree learn?

I would say it has knowledge of all of them, considering that it's an improvement of Mew and Mewtwo.

What is the only move Mew can't learn?

Mew can technically learn any move but because of lacking TMs and the special attacks of some Pokemon, I'd say Mew cannot learn the following: Aeroblast, Sacred Fire, Lava Storm and Judgement. Mew can learn any TM, HM and Move Tutor moves, as well as a couple that it learns by levelling up. It cannot learn anything else, even attacks that are not named above. i dont think mew can learn frenzy plant, hydro canon, or blast burn either because those moves were only made for venusaur, blastoise, and charizard.

What do you do if elektross doesn't learn any moves and you leveled it up to move levels doesn't learn any moves what would you do i want it to learn zap cannon and thrash?

well i just found out its simple no you cant serebii proved that to so face the facts it cant learn the moves

What Pokemon can learn the most moves?

rayquza >-> well besides a legendary Pokemon that might be useful i found out that ziggzagoon can learn rocksmash cut surf strength and flash but waterfall and dive u have to find a just water type instead of legendary Pokemon absol/ kecleon.

Can stantler learn surf?

No, Stantler cant learn Surf or any HM moves in general.