In the Buried Bones Mine.
White Gems- Buried Bones Mine
Green Gems- Flea Floater Mine
Yellow Gems- Barking Bad Mine
Blue Gems- Howling Horse Mine
Red Gems- Muzzle Mouth Mine
The best mine to find the Webkinz Diamond is at the Burried Bones Mine. There's still a chance that it could be hidden in another mine but more likely to be in the Burried Bones Mine. In my entire life, I found 3 diamonds from the only mine and lots of people say they found the Diamond from that mine. Here's a hint for best mines for gems:White Gems: Burried Bones MineYellow Gems: Barking Bad MineGreen Gems: Flea Floater MineBlue Gems: Howling Horse MineRed Gems: Muzzle Mouth MineFor example, the Webkinz Diamond is one of the White Gems. It's the easiest to find in the Burried Bones Mine. If you go to that mine, there's a white backround. The blue gems are often hidden in the Howling Horse Mine. The backround is blue. So that's the pattern.
The Webkinz diamond is usually found in the Buried Bones Mine. Here is a trick to find every gem in Webkinz World:White Gems: Buried Bones MineGreen Gems: Flea Floater MineYellow Gems: Barking Bad MineBlue Gems: Howling Horse MineRed Gems: Muzzle Mouth MineThere is a chance that a certain colour of gems are found in different mines than the mine shown above. It's just that they have the biggest chance of finding those gems.
You can find it in the flea floater mine.
The Webkinz diamond is usually found in the Buried Bones Mine. Here is a trick to find every gem in Webkinz World:White Gems: Buried Bones MineGreen Gems: Flea Floater MineYellow Gems: Barking Bad MineBlue Gems: Howling Horse MineRed Gems: Muzzle Mouth MineThere is a chance that a certain colour of gems are found in different mines than the mine shown above. It's just that they have the biggest chance of finding those gems.
You can usually find it in the Howling Horse Mine. If you go to that mine, the backround will be blue and the gem is blue. So that's a way to remember where you can find gems. For more examples, I found my Red Heart Ruby in the Muzzling Mine gem. I found the Diamond in the Buried Bones Mine.Hope this helps!- ClubPenguinLuvr :)
You can find it in the "BURIED BONES MINE".
In buried bones mineVisit my website at for all your webkinz questions answered.The Webkinz Diamond GemThe Webkinz Diamond is the rarest gem of all so it's quite difficult to find it! The Diamond is often hidden in the Buried Bones Mine so take a look at that mine to find the Diamond. Gems are hidden in some of the sparkling rocks so keep an eye out for some! You might find other gems since the Diamond is hard to find. But don't give up! I'm sure you can do it! If you can't find it, try again tomorrow!
you go into the mine that has the word bone in its name and just start miming and hope you get lucky
The best mine to find the Webkinz Diamond is at the Burried Bones Mine. There's still a chance that it could be hidden in another mine but more likely to be in the Burried Bones Mine. In my entire life, I found 3 diamonds from the only mine and lots of people say they found the Diamond from that mine. Here's a hint for best mines for gems:White Gems: Burried Bones MineYellow Gems: Barking Bad MineGreen Gems: Flea Floater MineBlue Gems: Howling Horse MineRed Gems: Muzzle Mouth MineFor example, the Webkinz Diamond is one of the White Gems. It's the easiest to find in the Burried Bones Mine. If you go to that mine, there's a white backround. The blue gems are often hidden in the Howling Horse Mine. The backround is blue. So that's the pattern.
The Webkinz Diamond is the rarest gem in Webkinz. It's mostly found in the buried bones mine as you say. Look for sparkling stones. They have a bigger chance to get gems. The Webkinz Diamond may not be hidden everyday but it would be here someday. I already collected 3 diamonds so it's possible. Happy hunting! :)
you can find the webkinz dimond in the muzzle mine mouth
You can get Webkinz clothing online. That's where I got mine!
Yes you can. If you buy a webkinz or find a code on the ground or you can have mine 128vwe743vsw
The Webkinz diamond is usually found in the Buried Bones Mine. Here is a trick to find every gem in Webkinz World:White Gems: Buried Bones MineGreen Gems: Flea Floater MineYellow Gems: Barking Bad MineBlue Gems: Howling Horse MineRed Gems: Muzzle Mouth MineThere is a chance that a certain colour of gems are found in different mines than the mine shown above. It's just that they have the biggest chance of finding those gems.
it`s in the howling horse mine
You can find it in the flea floater mine.
The Webkinz diamond is usually found in the Buried Bones Mine. Here is a trick to find every gem in Webkinz World:White Gems: Buried Bones MineGreen Gems: Flea Floater MineYellow Gems: Barking Bad MineBlue Gems: Howling Horse MineRed Gems: Muzzle Mouth MineThere is a chance that a certain colour of gems are found in different mines than the mine shown above. It's just that they have the biggest chance of finding those gems.