It is to take a shower.
You could get the words generates or generator. You also could spell the words generable, generally or generated.
Because your brain simply skims over the word and doesn't take the time to process every letter in order, it would take much too long! It sees all the letters as a whole, so as long as the first and last letters in large words are in place, you can read it just as quickly as normally.
Weights- take away the 'w' and 's' and you get 'eight'- weights
It is to take a shower.
All you need to do is take usual showers. A soap bar and a shammy or sponge might be necessary to clean the body.
It's called a SHOWER
you can make the words not,in, on,sat,ton,rat,tar,tin,sin,vest,eat,no,rest,and if you can use letters more than once nation. i think there are more but it might take forever to list them all. So the answer is......... like 13 or 14.
well you already did the part where you put in the words right? not just take those words away from the letters below, but DONT take away all of the letters (exp: if there is fiajkdllsidnsbcksldufll - - -- you take away the first f, the first a, and the first two ll's (spelling fall) then you take away the next letters the will spell asleep sorry if you dont get what i am saying, sorry
it depends how worst are you into might take a least a weeks or months
The words sanitary, hygienic, and uncontaminated mean clean.
Honclmjmrua does not spell anything. If you take the letters and make smaller words from them you can make the words jocular, uncharm, march and monarch.
You could get the words generates or generator. You also could spell the words generable, generally or generated.
bee, dee, gee, jay, kay, ess, tee, you, vee, why, zee
take out the letters of the words you had to find from the code.